Follows the story of teenager Billy Bloom who, despite attending an ultra conservative high school, makes the decision to run for homecoming queen. Th...
Read MoreNikki and Jack deal with their feelings post Mexico in very different ways. Jack is boxing with his sparring partner, DCI Naomi Silva when he is calle...
Read MoreDr. Campbell attends an anti-mutant summit, attempting to take the Hound program national, and some of the team at Mutant HQ goes on a dangerous missi...
Read MoreWhen catastrophic climate change endangers Earth’s very survival, world governments unite and create the Dutch Boy Program: a world wide net of sate...
Read MoreNikki comes face-to-face with Simon Laing once again as the motive for the murders appears to be blackmail. The hospital computer database has been ha...
Read MoreA retired superhero is drawn back into his old lifestyle when his daughter seeks to serve justice to evil-doers in the series premiere. Murtaugh and R...
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